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的剧情简介: Guy Pringle and his new wife, Harriet, are members of the English community in Bucharest, Rumania on the eve of World War II. The film catalogs and chronicles, after the war begins, the characters [diplomats, literary types, spies, penniless royalty, gays, lesbians] that cross and re-cross their path as they flee before the advancing Germany armies to Athens and then to Cairo. ( 影片获奖资料与票房 By:ccvnn) 百度网盘下载地址: 声明:本人提供的所有电影作品均为网上搜集,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则产生的一切后果将由您自己承担!本人不对发布的任何内容及作品负任何法律责任!下载内容仅做学习和宽带测试使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。请购买正版!如果侵权请告之马上删除。 |