
大侦探波洛 Agatha Christie’s Poirot (1989-2013)

1.女仆失踪案 克拉珀姆厨师奇遇记)The Adventure of the Clapham Cook 1989-1-8(国英双语)
1-2焰火之夜(幽巷谋杀案)Murder in the Mews 1989-1-15(国英双语)
1-3弄巧成拙(约翰尼.韦弗利历险记)The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly 1989-1-22(国英双语)
1-4画家之死(二十四只黑画眉)Four and Twenty Blackbirds 1989-1-29(国英双语)
1-5楼下惊魂(第三层套间中的疑案)The Third Floor Flat 1989-2-5(国英双语)
1-6三角阴谋(罗兹岛三角)Triangle at Rhodes 1989-2-12(国英双语)
1-7海上谜案(海上疑云)The Problem at Sea 1989-2-19(国英双语)
1-8不翼而飞(非凡盗贼)The Incredible Theft 1989-2-26(国英双语)
1-9神秘的梅花K(俱乐部之王)The King of Clubs 1989-3-12(国英双语)
1-10噩梦The Dream 1989-3-19(国英双语)
2-1豪宅惊案(悬崖山庄奇案、古屋疑云)Peril at End House 1990-1-7(国英双语)
2-2神秘女郎(戴面具的女郎、蒙面女人)The Veiled Lady 1990-1-14(国英双语)
2-3矿藏之谜(失去的矿井)The Lost Mine 1990-1-21
2-4康沃尔谜案The Cornish Mystery 1990-1-28
2-5无影无踪(达文海姆先生失踪案)The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim 1990-2-4(国英双语)
2-6画像迷踪(双重罪恶)Double Sin 1990-2-11(国英双语)
2-7廉价公寓的秘密(低价租房奇遇记)The Adventure of the Cheap Flat 1990-2-18(国英双语)
2-8惊天绑票(首相绑架案)The Kidnapped Prime Minister 1990-2-25(国英双语)
2-9西方之星(狂野西部)The Adventure of the Western Star 1990-3-4(国英双语)
2-10神秘的力量(斯泰尔斯庄园奇案)The Mysterious Affair at Styie 1990-9-16(国英双语)
3-1花园疑案how does your garden grow? 1991-1-6
3-2百万美元证劵失窃案The Million Dollar Bond Robbery 1991-1-13
3-3普利茅斯快车上的谋杀案The Plymouth Express 1991-1-20
3-4蜂窝谜案Wasps’ Nest 1991-1-27
3-5马斯顿庄园的悲剧The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor 1991-2-3
3-6双重线索The Double Clue 1991-2-10
3-7神秘的柜子(西班牙箱子之谜)The Mystery of the Spanish Chest 1991-2-17
3-8红宝石失窃案(雪地上的女尸)The Theft of the Royal Ruby 1991-2-24
3-9舞会谜案The Affair at the Victory Ball 1991-3-3
3-10猎人小屋(狩猎小屋的秘密)The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge 1991-3-10
4-1ABC谋杀案 The ABC Murder 1992-1-5(国英双语)
4-2云中命案 Death in the Clouds 1992-1-12(国英双语)
4-3牙医之死 One Two Buckle My Shoe 1992-1-19(国英双语)
5-1埃及墓地历险记The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb 1993-1-17
5-2倒霉的人(弱者的愤怒)The Underdog 1993-1-24
5-3黄色的蝴蝶花(黄色鸢尾)Yellow Iris 1991-1-31
5-4遗嘱失踪案The Case of the Missing Will 1993-2-7
5-5意大利贵族奇遇记The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman 1993-2-14
5-6巧克力盒The Chocolate Box1993-2-21
5-7死人之镜(死亡约会)Dead Man’s Mirror 1993-2-28
5-8大都市酒店珠宝失窃案The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan 1993-3-7
6-1滴血的钻石(圣诞奇案)Hercule Poirot’s Christmas 1995-1-1(国英双语)
6-2外国学舍谋杀案 Hickory Dickory Dock 1995-2-12(国英双语)
6-3第三把匕首(高尔夫球场的疑云)Murder on the Links 1996-2-11(国英双语)
6-4哑证人(沉默的证人)Dumb Witness 1996-3-16(国英双语)
7-1罗杰·艾克罗伊德谋杀案(罗杰疑案)The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 2000-1-2
7-2人性记录(埃奇威尔爵士之死)Dies Lord Edgware 2000-2-19(国英双语)
8-1阳光下的罪恶 Poirot: Evil Under the Sun 2002-12-15(国英双语)
8-2古墓之谜(美索不达米亚谋杀案)Murder in Mesopotamia 2001-7-8(国英双语)
9-1啤酒谋杀案(五只小猪) Five Little Pigs 2003-12-14(国英双语)
9-2庄园的一次午餐(丝柏的哀歌)Sad Cypress 2003-12-26(国英双语)
9-3尼罗河上的惨案 Death on the Nile 2004-4-12(国英双语)
9-4空幻之屋The Hollow 2004-8-30
10-1蓝色特快上的秘密 The Mystery of the Blue Train 2005-12-11(国英双语)
10-2牌中牌(底牌)Cards on the Table 2005-12-11(国英双语)
10-3葬礼之后After the Funeral 2005-12-11
10-4遗产风波(涨潮时节/顺水推舟)Taken at the Flood 2006-4-2
11-1清洁女工之死 Mrs. McGinty’s Dead 2008-9-1
11-2校园疑云(鸽群中的猫)Cat Among the Pigeons 2008-9-8
11-3公寓女郎(第三个女郎)Third Girl 2008-9-15
11-4死亡约会(死海杀人事件)Appointment with Death 2008-9-22
12-1怪钟疑案The Clocks 2009-12-30(国英双语)
12-2三幕悲剧Three Act Tragedy 2010-01-01
12-3万圣节前夜的谋杀案Hallowe’en Party 2010-05-26
12-4东方快车谋杀案Murder on the Orient Express 2010-07-11
13-1大象的证词Elephants Can Remember2013
13-2四巨头The Big Four
13-3古宅迷踪(死人的殿堂)Dead Man’s Foll
13-4赫尔克里的丰功伟绩The Labours of Hercules
13-5最后一案帷幕(幕后凶手)Curtain: Poirot’s Last Case




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